# Chat Query Elasticsearch and Run Chat Query Based on ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo Model

Are you tired of memorizing complex Elasticsearch query DSL syntax? Do you wish there was an easier way to query Elasticsearch? Look no further than the Elasticsearch Query Plugin EDQL, which now features a new Chat Query Elasticsearch capability powered by ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo.

With the Chat Query Elasticsearch feature, users can now query Elasticsearch using natural language in a chat format. This means that users can simply ask ChatGPT a question about the data they want to retrieve, and the plugin will generate the appropriate Elasticsearch query DSL. The Chat Query Elasticsearch feature is especially helpful for users who’re new to Elasticsearch or who don't want to spend time memorizing complex query syntax.

The Chat Query Elasticsearch feature uses the ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo model to understand user queries and generate the appropriate Elasticsearch query DSL. This means that the plugin is smart and can generate complex queries based on the context of the conversation. Additionally, the chat query feature supports context, which means that users can start by querying an index, such as "query index my-index," and then add more details to the query using natural language, such as "field=222." The plugin will generate the complete query DSL based on the chat context.

EDQL is an IntelliJ plugin that can be easily installed and integrated with your development environment. With the new Chat Query Elasticsearch feature, users can easily retrieve data from Elasticsearch without the hassle of remembering query syntax. This can save developers time and effort, allowing them to focus on more important tasks.

The EDQL plugin also supports querying document data, as well as cluster stats and node stats. Users can simply type their query commands into the chat interface and receive the corresponding data as a result. For users who prefer SQL over Elasticsearch query DSL, the plugin can also help convert SQL queries to Elasticsearch query DSL.

The EDQL plugin is still in development, and feedback is welcome on the project's GitHub page at https://github.com/chengpohi/edql. In conclusion, the Elasticsearch Query Plugin EDQL's new Chat Query Elasticsearch feature powered by ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo is a game-changer for Elasticsearch querying. It offers a simple and intuitive way to retrieve data from Elasticsearch, without the need to memorize complex query syntax. Give it a try today and see how it can improve your Elasticsearch querying experience.