# DSL Editor

# File Template

# Live Templates

EDQL plugin already defined the common used Live Templates for intelligence, easily and quickly to write the request action or query conditions, so when input the below keyword, the Live Template will automatically expand.

Defined Live Templates:

  • search

    POST $EXPR$/_search
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
  • term

      "term": {
        "$EXPR$": "$V$"
  • clusterHealth

    GET _cluster/health
  • clusterStats

    GET _cluster/stats
  • catIndices

    GET _cat/indices?v
  • catHealth

    GET _cat/health?v
  • catNodes

    GET _cat/nodes?v
  • aggs

    "aggs": {
      "$E$": {
  • term

      "term": {
        "$EXPR$": "$V$"
  • terms

      "terms": {
        "$EXPR$": [$V$]
  • bool

    "bool": {
  • avg

    "aggregations": {
      "$P1$": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "$EXPR$"
  • count

    GET $E$/_count
  • from

    "from": $EXPR$,
  • size

    "size": $EXPR$,
  • qbm

      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
  • qbf

      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "filter": [
  • script

      "script": {
         "script": "$EXPR$"
  • range

      "range": {
       "$EXPR$": {
        "gt": $E$,
        "lt": $A$,
  • wildcard

      "wildcard": {
        "$EXPR$": {
            "value": "*$K$*",
            "boost": 1.0,
  • regexp

      "regexp" : {
         "$EXPR$" : {
            "value" : "$V$",
  • profile

    "profile": true,
  • explain

    "explain": true,
  • mapping

    GET $E$/_mapping
  • from

    "from": $EXPR$,
  • field

    "field": "$EXPR$"
  • sort

    "sort": [
        "$EXPR$": {
          "order": "$F1$"
  • exists

    "exists": {
      "field": "$EXPR$"
  • createIndex

    PUT /$EXPR$
      "settings": {
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
  • getNodes

    GET /_nodes
  • source

    "_source": ["$EXPR$"],
  • tasks

    GET /_tasks
  • notEmpty

      "regexp": {
        "$EXPR$": {
          "value": ".+",
  • mustNot

    "must_not" : [
  • must

    "must" : [
  • filter

    "filter" : [
  • should

    "should" : [

# Highlight

Highlight includes two parts for edql, for now it supports:

  1. highlight for reservered words
    • HOST
    • Authorization
    • local
  2. highlight for key characters
    • brackets
    • number
    • comment
    • colon

TODO: In next step will try to support semantics hilightling

# Autocomplete

Autocomplete includes two ways autocomplete for edql:

  1. Keywords autocomplete

    Usually include the reserved words and keywords for edql, example: HOST, Authorization, POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, local etc

  2. Live Templates autocomplete

    Live Templates are defined for autocomplete the query dsl, example: qbm, qbf, size, terms, term, queryString, search etc

TODO: autocomplete auto integrates with the current dsl, such as remove extra bracket

# Refactor

Refactor is an import way for coding, for now edql supports: rename variable, rename function name

# Format

Format support to format Query DSL blocks, includes: function, variable, JSON block, array block etc. it’s a simple way to make code is clean

# Show Connection Info

show current edql file bind connection info, it will automatically expand connections dock panel and scroll to current connection.