# Basic Syntax

# Connection

When firstly prepare to query from Elasticsearch, we need to configure how to connect the Elasticsearch cluster

# Authorization

If the Elasticsearch Cluster needs authorization to connect, configure authorization, there are three ways to achieve that.

# Authorization Header

If Elasticsearch Cluster supports http basic Authorization header, we can configure Authorization header directly by:

Authorization "Basic <token>"

The token should compute by base64 with username and password, see more: HTTP/REST clients and security and Elasticsearch Token Service tokens

# Basic Username and Password

For if you don’t want use Authorization header, you can directly use the reserverd words Username and **Password ** to configure the Authorization:

Username "username"
Password "password"

see more: Basic Authentication

# ApiKeyId and ApiKeySecret

If you are using the Elastic Cloud, you can use the ApiKeyId and ApiKeySecret to connect Elastic Cloud by:

ApiKeyId ""
ApiKeySecret ""

see more: ApiKeySecret

# AWS IAM: ApiKeyId, ApiKeySecret and ApiSessionToken

If you are using the AWS Opensearch, you can use the AWSRegion to activate aws credential:

AWSRegion "us-east" # if want to use system env or default aws credential, just only set AWSRegion
ApiKeyId ""
ApiKeySecret ""
ApiSessionToken ""

# Timeout

Timeout is used to control the query actions timeout for Elasticsearch Cluster, it will apply to every action in current context. set Timeout by:

Timeout 1000

this will set timeout for action 1 second.

# Query Actions

Query Actions is same with Elasticsearch REST APIs, but in edql context defined it as Query Actions. so we can copy from Elascticsearch offical sample requests and execute these directly. such as:

POST my-index/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": [

query from my-index with bool query and filter.

why called it as REST Actions not REST APIS? since have enhanced the apis such as variables and functions etc, maybe call it as Action maybe better.

# Query DSL: JSON Block

Query DSL JSON Block is the same as Elasticsearch query DSL definition, we can write these query contexts in the current block. such as bool query, aggregation etc. Example:

POST my-index/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [

  "aggs": {
    "maxValue": {
      "max": {
        "field": "value"