# Management

Elasticsearch Cluster has many metrics need to observe all the time, Example we often need to check whether cluster health, index stats or tasks background running.

EDQL has provided full features to manage Elasticsearch cluster by interactive action include: cluster, nodes, index, tasks etc. so we can simply observe Elasticsearch metrics by EDQL without any extra effort.

# Indices

Manage Elasticsearch index with EDQL is very simple, all actions are interactive without any extra effort.

# List Indices

List of all indices of Elasticsearch, this action will query indices and display index details as table, include:

  • name
  • documents
  • size

# Create Index

EDQL has built an ui of create index table, we can configure new index by seting field name, field type and nest field type(properties or field), for nest field we can use "a.b" for nest field path. when executing the index creation, EDQL will automatically expand nest field path as nest document

Also EDQL support creating index by copying from another index, we can use copy from index action to import other index mapping

By default EDQL create index action use default index type _doc, if want specify other type, you need set the custom index type on index type field

After creating index successfu, the create index table will be closed and redirect to Indices table, if create failed, such as index name duplicate or name is illegal, the error popup dialog will show up

# Delete Index

When using Indices table we can use delete action for deleting index with selected index

# Modify Index

When using Indices table we can modify an existed index by using modify action, modify action will open a new table dialog with all indiex fields will be displayed, in the modify table dialog we can add new fields, since Elasticsearch cannot support modify exist fields

# Reindex

EDQL support reindex index by using Reindex action, so if need to switch new index, we can use this action for quickly reindex data to new index.

Run Async config used to control Reindex aciton task whether run in background

# Import Index

In some times, maybe need to index data into index, EDQL support import an csv data with header, it will use header as field name, index line by line as documents into Elasticsearch index

# List Index Fields

List index fields for selected index.

# Flush Index

flush the selected index

# Close Index

close the selected index

# Refresh Index

refresh index

# Stats Index

stats index info

# Recovery Index

recovery index

# Rollover Index

rollover index

# Aliases

# List Aliases

List Elasticsearch all aliases.

# Edit Alias

Edit Index alias

# New Alias

# Delete Alias

# Templates

Template action displays Elasticsearch all templates in a table. for manage Templates.

# List Templates

List cluster templates.

# Edit Template

Edit index template.

# Delete Template

Delete index template.

# Scripts

# List Scripts

# Create Script

# Edit Script

# Delete Script

# Ingests

# List Ingests

# Create Ingests

# Edit Ingests

# Delete Ingests

# Transforms

# List Transforms

# Create Transforms

# Edit Transforms

# Delete Transforms

# Plugins

# List Plugins

# ILMs

# List ILMs

# Edit ILM

# Delete ILM

# Snapshots

Snapshot action displays Elasticsearch all snapshots in a table. For manage snapshots.

# Tasks

Tasks action show up cluster current tasks with action, task_id, type, starttime, runningtime, ip and node metrics.

We can use this action quickly find current running tasks with their state

# Cluster Monitor

EDQL has the cluster observer ability for user to monitor cluster states.

# Health

Health can view current cluster health state

# Stats

Stats show up current cluster stats

# State

State show up current cluster state

# Nodes

Nodes action show up cluster all nodes with ip, heap, ram, cpu, load, role metrics etc

We can use this action to quickly view current cluster node states